Terms and Conditions


UPBEAT Awards Best New Talent 2025 Public Vote


1.1. These General Rules are applicable for the voting game organized by Hangvető Zenei Terjesztő Társulás Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (seat: 1027 Budapest, Margit körút 62. V./1.) as game organizer in the framework of the Upbeat Awards Best New Talent 2025 public vote.

1.2. Unless the context indicates otherwise, the terms and expressions set forth hereunder, if capitalized, shall have the following meaning in these General Rules:

  • Upbeat Platform” is a European Showcase Platform for World Music with the purpose to “increase the visibility of emerging European talents in the world music scene in the European Union and beyond. The Platform consists of the most prominent and promising European showcases and festivals of world music. The Platform is developed with the support of an EU project grant, in the framework of the call for proposals ‘European Platforms for the promotion of emerging artists (CREA-CULT-2021-PLAT) by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, starting on 1 August 2022 and ending on 31 July 2025 (Project Reference No.: 101059182).
  • “Upbeat Awards Best New Talent Public Vote 2025” is a vote in which voters have the possibility to choose between the new talents introduced in the Upbeat Platform.
  • “Applicant” means a natural person who has submitted a vote in the framework of the Upbeat Awards Best New Talent Public Vote 2025 public vote.
  • “Vote for Prize” means the proceeding for the award of Prizes to Applicants in the course of the Upbeat Awards Best New Talent public vote.
  • “Prizes” mean festival tickets to Waves Vienna 2024 given as a reward following the voting in the course of the Upbeat Awards Best New Talent 2024 public vote.
  • “Winner” means any natural person receiving a Prize.
  • “Organizer” means Hangvető Zenei Terjesztő Társulás Kft. (seat: 1027 Budapest, Margit körút 62. V./1., represented by Miklós Cserba and András Lelkes collectively; EU VAT: HU13125684; reg. No.: 01-09-719984).


2.1. Eligible for participation in a Vote for Prize are natural persons above 18 years of age, from all over the world without any geographic limitation.


3.1. Applicants are allowed to participate in the Vote for Prize only if they agree to the present General Rules. By participating in the Vote for Prize, the Applicants acknowledge and accept all the terms and conditions set out in these General Rules and expressly agree that in the event of winning, his/her data may be used by the Organizer to record the prize winner until the winner’s withdrawal.

3.2. Registrations and voting shall be made in writing on the website by filling out the voting form as described in Article 5.1.

3.3. Voting for the Prize shall commence on 18 March 2024, at 00:00 and shall end on 15 May 2024, 23:59. 


4.1. The Organizer shall exclude Applicants (a) who are under 18 years of age by the date of registration to the Vote for Prize; (b) who are employees of the Organizer or immediate family members of employees of the Organizer.

4.2. The Organizer shall reject from a Prize an Applicant who: (a) is in an exclusion situation established in accordance with Article 4.1.; (b) has misrepresented the information required as a condition for participating in the Vote for Prize or has failed to supply that information.

4.3. Applicants must inform the Organizer without delay of any situation constituting or likely to lead to a conflict of interests and immediately take all the necessary steps to rectify this situation.

4.4. The Organizer may withdraw the Prize after its award, if it finds out that (a) false information, fraud or corruption was used to obtain it; (b) a Winner was not eligible or should have been excluded; (c) a Winner is in serious breach of his obligations under these General Rules. 

4.5. The Organizer shall not be held liable for any damage caused to or sustained by any of the Applicants, including any damage caused to third parties during the implementation of the activities related to the Vote for Prize.


5.1. Voting shall be made on the https://upbeatawards.eu/best-new-talent-2024/ website. Each individual is allowed to submit only one vote for the UPBEAT Best New Talent Award 2024. We track IP addresses to ensure the integrity of the voting process and prevent multiple submissions from the same person.

5.2. Voters are obliged to give their countries when submitting a vote. Those votes that have been submitted to a nominee from the same country as the voter’s country are counted once. Those votes that have been submitted to a nominee from a different country as the voter’s country are counted twice. 

5.3. As part of the public online voting, Organizer draws 3 winners randomly out of the voters. The draw shall happen once, and the winner gets 1 double ticket to the Waves Vienna 2024 edition. The draw shall happen in 15 days after the closing of the public vote. 


6.1. Prizes are:  3 double tickets to Waves Vienna 2024, in total 6 tickets. There will be 3 winners, each winner gets 1 double ticket.

6.2. The Organizer shall award the Prize following the draw and shall notify the Winners by email within 15 calendar days after the draw has been completed by the Organizer.

6.3. The Prizes will be delivered to the Winners by email to the e-mail addresses registered for the voting. The Organizer shall not be liable for any delay or failure in delivery of the Prizes to the Winners.

6.4. The Prize is not redeemable for cash and cannot be extended.


7.1. The Organizer upon its discretion and taking into consideration the principle of proportionality shall cancel the Vote for Prize process particularly if the objectives cannot be fulfilled anymore, or the Waves Vienna 2024 will not be organized for any reasons, or the award procedure proves to have been subject to substantial errors, irregularities, or fraud. Cancellation of the Vote for Prize shall not entitle the Applicant to any right of compensation. 

7.2. The Organizer reserves the right to modify the present General Rules, the Prizes, the terms of voting as well as the terms of the draw. 


8.1. Any personal data related to the Vote for Prize, including its execution shall be processed by the Organizer as a data controller, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46/EC) and Act CXII of 2011 on Freedom of Information, the Information Act.

8.2. Processing of the personal data is necessary for the performance of the Vote for Prize including the award of the Prizes and, therefore it shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and follow up of the Vote for Prize by the Organizer without prejudice to possible transmission to internal audit services.

8.3. The personal data of Applicants shall be processed for the duration of the Vote for Prize and for 30 days following the end of the Vote for Prize process. The Applicant shall have the right of access to their personal data and the right to rectify any such data that is inaccurate or incomplete. Should the Applicant have any queries concerning the processing of their personal data, they shall address them to the Organizer.


9.1. The Prize Contest is governed by the applicable EU Law complemented, where necessary, by the law of Hungary. 


10.1. The language of these General Rules is English. Any communication in relation to these rules shall be in English. Any communication shall be made by email to info@upbeat-platform.eu.